1. First you need to understand your commitment in this process:
a. You will need to be able to understand and explain your goals to your trainer.
b. You need to make this commitment a priority.
c. You must show up for your training.
2. Hiring your Trainer: a. First and foremost, you need to do your homework. Make sure the person you hire
has the credentials, certifications, knowledge and experience to back their name and
business. Ask for references.
b. Make sure that your goals will be addressed. If your goal is to build muscle, or to
strengthen your ability and stamina to enter a race, or if you just want to lose weight
and feel better, your training program should be designed to meet your needs.
3. Once you have selected your Trainer: a. You will need to make the appropriate changes in your life. This doesn’t mean you
have to give up your favorite foods, but it does mean that you should balance your
eating with your exercise regime. Your Trainer will help you with this.
b. You will need to give this process a chance. No ” Magic Wand”. You will need to be
patient and have the perseverance to see the process through.
4. Results:
a. You will see and feel the benefits of your hard work.
b. You will be able to incorporate what you have learned into your daily routine for the
rest of your life.